Dear Twitter...

Dear Twitter,
I know you earn no money. I know many see you as a waste of time. I know some people don't get you and only 5% of us account for 90% of your activity. In 5 years, will you still be around? Who knows. Who cares, really? For now, you allow me to find things and "meet" people I never would have before. When I'm home, alone, in my slightly socially retarded mode, I can discuss and banter with people across the world. I'm one of those 5% which I can't say about much else (i.e. this makes me "special"). On Twitter, I found @SnagFilms, or I should say they found me which is even better. Regardless. Without Twitter, without Snag Films, I would have never seen this. A 3 minute free documentary that is a literary, witty joy and The London Review of Books.

Snag Films, BTW, made it very easy to "snag" this onto this blog. Enjoy!

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