Why "The Truth is Stranger"?

Welcome to "The Truth is Stranger...", a new blog/site for established and aspiring writers and filmmakers who focus on non-fiction subjects. Whether documentarians, business book authors, memoirists, business podcasters...anyone who wants to know more about the research and presentation of information that is factual is encouraged to hang here!

I was inspired by a couple of books that managed to give me a whole bunch of information without putting me to sleep-that were as fun to read as a novel: A Whole New Mind by Dan Pink and How Buildings Learn by Stewart Brand. One about the future of work, the other about the fluidity of architecture. Didn't expect either of these to keep me up at night, but they did.
Secondly, I have several non-fiction pieces swirling in my mind. You probably do too. But knowing how to research, where the best sources are, how to organize my information-well, frankly I tend to freeze at this point.

I also saw a great piece with Elizabeth Gilbert on Oprah awhile back (she is so freakin' charming), showing her big box of 3X5 cards that she was using to gather data for her next book and I thought Eureka! I wish I could ask her some questions...and I wish I had a photo of those notecards.

Then there was Guy Kawasaki at SXSW chatting about converting his blog into book form with printed chapters laid all over the floor, meeting Melissa Pierce who is working on a documentary called Life in Perpetual Beta, following the creation of Handmade Nation (both the book and the film)...all of these have inspired the creation of this site.

You have questions! I want to get the answers!

The plan is to provide resources, videos, a flickr group, interviews, pre-release info and as much as I possibly can. If you have any burning questions, please let me know! Follow us on Twitter: @truthisstranger.

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